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Fiction titles
Base, G 1998, The Eleventh Hour, Penguin books, Victoria, Australia.
Blyton, E 1963, The Famous Five: Five have a mystery to solve, Hodder Children’s Books, London, UK.
Child, L 2012, Ruby Redfort: look into my eyes, HarperCollins, London, UK.
Christelow, E 2002, Where's the big bad wolf? Clarion books, NY, USA.
Clement, R 1997, Grandad's teeth, HarperCollins, Sydney, Australia.
Freeman, M 2013, Who stole New Year's Eve? Holiday house, USA.
Horowitz, A 2000, Stormbreaker, Walker books, UK.
Howe, J 1979, Bunnicula- a rabbit-tale of mystery, Atheneum Books, USA.
Keene, C 2006, Nancy Drew: Girl Detective #15 - Framed, Simon & Schuster, NY, USA.
Odgers, D & S 2009, Jack Russell: dog detective: the blue steeler, Scholastic Press, NSW, Australia.
Raskin, E 1978, The Westing Game, Dutton, USA.
Simons, M 2008, Open for business, Walker books, NSW, Australia.
Snicket, L 1999, A bad beginning, HarperCollins, USA.
Sobol, DJ 1963, Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective, Puffin, USA.
Stead, R 2009, When you reach me, Random House, USA.
Stilton, G 2008, Geronimo and the Gold Medal Mystery, Scholastic, USA.
St John, L 2011, Dead man's Cove, Orion books, UK.
Simons, M 2008, Open for business, Walker books, NSW, Australia.
Snicket, L 1999, A bad beginning, HarperCollins, USA.
Sobol, DJ 1963, Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective, Puffin, USA.
Stead, R 2009, When you reach me, Random House, USA.
Stilton, G 2008, Geronimo and the Gold Medal Mystery, Scholastic, USA.
St John, L 2011, Dead man's Cove, Orion books, UK.
Book review references
Beavin, K 1999, 'The Westing Game', Horn Book Magazine, 75, 3, p. 357.
Beavin, K 1999, 'The Westing Game', Horn Book Magazine, 75, 3, p. 357.
Otis, R 2014, 'When you reach me', Mysteries in the classroom, Carol Hurst’s Children’s literature site: books in the classroom, viewed 4 October, 2014 <>
Parravano, MV 2013, 'Who Stole New Year's Eve?', Horn Book Magazine, 89, 6, p. 63.
Parravano, MV 2009, 'When you reach me', Horn Book Magazine, 85, 6, pp. 703-704.
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